Thursday, February 28, 2008

Where Am I?

It was the snapshot of the two of us, just after marriage and this picture adorns the walls of my bedroom now. Each time Tia (well that is what I lovingly call her) looks at the photograph, she screams, ‘Mamma’ then she goes again ‘Deuta’ (meaning father). Of late she must have realized, something is amiss in the picture.
One fine day, she was staring at the picture for quite some time. Then all of sudden she questions me, ‘Where is Tia here?’

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

The Woarad! Ooops!

Well yes! There is no meaning to this word! Nevertheless, it is one of the words that I have picked from my daughter’s vocabulary of strange words. Her words are more of an eyeball popper.
Early in the morning, she wakes up with a smile and then starts her day! (I guess she must be a terrible enemy of phonetics professor in her previous birth) She will scream ‘Mamma barash’ (brush).
However, that is not the end, her demand goes, ‘I want galass (glass) water, which means now she desires to quench her thirst by drinking the water in the glass well! There is nothing funny about it but her demand changes with her mood. Her needs may vary from drinking in the bottle to strange other ways.
Her other quotable words are garapes (grapes), fariend (friend), batharoom (bathroom). I know these sound funny! But I enjoy listening to her words.
For once, she grows, she will forget them, so let me enjoy them now until the time she picks up the right word!

Monday, February 25, 2008

21st December

It was 6.01 pm, when my bundle of joy was placed in my hands. I knew not how to react. The little wonder! I kept looking at her, both my husband and me. It was such a delicate gift we had just received.
Earlier, babies looked all crumbled up to me. They looked so tiny and their skin!!! God! All wrinkled!
But, as I looked at my child, she looked so beautiful even with those wrinkles! All I could feel was tears rolling down my eyes! Tears of joy.
Ever since, I do not know how each day has passed! Under her spell and charms, she has mesmerized me with her cuteness and kept me dumb fold with her interesting answers and queries.